Setup & Get Sarted

SOFA setup

You can either build it from sources:

Or download the binaries:

ModelOrderReduction setup

You can either build it from the source as explained here with SOFA. Or take the binaries generated here and link them to your SOFA build/binaries.

Python install

  sudo apt-get install python-cheetah python-yaml
  sudo apt-get install python-cheetah python-yaml python-pyqt5 notebook


Then don’t forget to add into your pythonPath the sofa launcher. To do that in a definitive way add this line at the end of your shell configuration file (usually .bashrc)

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/PathToYourSofaSrcFolder/tools/sofa-launcher



Try some exemples

To confirm all the previous steps and verify that the plugin is working properly you can launch the SOFA scene situated in:


This example show that after the reduction of a model (here the 2 examples Diamond Robot, Starfish robot), you can re-use it easily as a python object with different arguments allowing positionning of the model in the SOFA scene.