Source code for mor.utility.writeScene

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#            Model Order Reduction plugin for SOFA                            #
#                         version 1.0                                         #
#                       Copyright © Inria                                     #
#                       All rights reserved                                   #
#                       2018                                                  #
#                                                                             #
# This software is under the GNU General Public License v2 (GPLv2)            #
#                      #
#                                                                             #
#                                                                             #
#                                                                             #
# Authors: Olivier Goury, Felix Vanneste                                      #
#                                                                             #
# Contact information:   #
**Set of functions to create a reusable SOFA component out of a SOFA scene**


import os
import sys
import platform

slash = '/'
if "Windows" in platform.platform():
    slash ='\\'

path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))+'/template/'

[docs] def writeHeader(packageName,nbrOfModes): """ **Write a templated Header to a file** **Arg:** +-------------+------+----------------------------------------------------+ | argument | type | definition | +=============+======+====================================================+ | packageName | str | Name of the file were we | | | | will write (without any extension) | +-------------+------+----------------------------------------------------+ | nbrOfModes | int | Maximum number of nodes set as a default parameter | +-------------+------+----------------------------------------------------+ """ try: with open(path+'myHeader.txt', "r") as myfile: myHeader = myHeader = myHeader.replace('MyReducedModel',packageName[0].upper()+packageName[1:]) myHeader = myHeader.replace('NBOFMODES',str(nbrOfModes)) with open(packageName+'.py', "w") as logFile: logFile.write(myHeader) logFile.close() # print(myHeader) except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise
[docs] def writeFooter(packageName,nodeName,listplugin,dt,gravity): """ **Write a templated Footer to a file** This footer will finalize the component created by :py:func:`.writeHeader` & :py:func:`.writeGraphScene` allowing the user to test it rapidly while keeping its original root configuration (listplugin/dt/gravity) **Args:** +----------------+------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | argument | type | definition | +================+======+===============================================================+ | packageName | str || Name of the file were we will write (without any extension) | | | ||that will also be the name for the new component | +----------------+------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | nodeName | str | Name of the Sofa.Node we reduce | +----------------+------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | listplugin | str | Initial scene plugin list | +----------------+------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | dt | str | Initial scene plugin dt | +----------------+------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | gravity | str | Initial scene plugin gravity | +----------------+------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ """ try: with open(path+'myFooter.txt', "r") as myfile: myFooter = myFooter = myFooter.replace('myReducedModel',nodeName) myFooter = myFooter.replace('MyReducedModel',packageName[0].upper()+packageName[1:]) myFooter = myFooter.replace('PLUGIN',str(listplugin)) myFooter = myFooter.replace('GRAVITY',str(gravity)) myFooter = myFooter.replace('DT',str(dt)) with open(packageName+'.py', "a") as logFile: logFile.write(myFooter) # print(myFooter) except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise
[docs] def writeGraphScene(packageName,nodeName,myMORModel,myModel): """ **Write a SOFA scene from lists** With 2 lists describing the 2 Sofa.Node containing the components for our reduced model, this function will write each component with their initial parameters and clean or add parameters in order to have in the end a reduced model component reusable as a function with arguments as : .. sourcecode:: python def MyReducedModel( attachedTo=None, name="MyReducedModel", rotation=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], translation=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], scale=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], surfaceMeshFileName=False, surfaceColor=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], nbrOfModes=nbrOfModes, hyperReduction=True): **Args:** +-------------+-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | argument | type | definition | +=============+=============+=============================================================+ | packageName | str | Name of the file were we will write (without any extension) | +-------------+-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | nodeName | str | Name of the Sofa.Node we reduce | +-------------+-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | myMORModel | list | list of tuple (solver_type , param_solver) | | | | *more details see* :py:obj:`.myMORModel` | +-------------+-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | myModel | OrderedDict || Ordered dic containing has key & | | | || has var a tuple of (Sofa_componant_type , param) | | | || *more details see* :py:obj:`.myModel` | +-------------+-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ """ #print("------------>", myModel) try: filesName = [] with open(packageName+'.py', "a+") as logFile: logFile.write(" "+nodeName+'_MOR'+" = modelRoot.addChild('"+nodeName+'_MOR'+"')\n") for type , arg in myMORModel: # print(type+' : '+str(arg)+'\n') if arg : if type == "MechanicalObject": arg['position'] = "[0]*nbrOfModes" myArgs = buildArgStr(arg) myArgs = " "+nodeName+"_MOR.addObject('" + type +"' "+myArgs+")\n" else : myArgs = " "+nodeName+"_MOR.addObject('"+type+"')\n" # print('for '+type+' '+myArgs+'\n') myArgs = myArgs.replace("'[0]*nbrOfModes'","[0]*nbrOfModes") logFile.write(myArgs) modelTranslation = None modelRotation = None modelScale = None for childName , obj in myModel.items(): logFile.write('\n\n') parentNode = '' if childName.split('/')[-1] == nodeName : print(childName,0) childName = childName.split('/')[-1] parentNode = nodeName+"_MOR" elif childName.find('/'+nodeName+'/') == -1: print(childName,1) tmp = list(filter(None, childName.split('/'))) if len(tmp) > 2: # Add all the parents that haven't been created yet for i, node in enumerate(tmp): if i < len(tmp)-2: toFind = '' if i == 0: toFind += " "+tmp[i]+" = modelRoot.addChild('"+tmp[i]+"')\n" toFind += " "+tmp[i+1]+" = "+tmp[i]+".addChild('"+tmp[i+1]+"')\n" if toFind not in # print(toFind) logFile.write(toFind) parentNode = childName.split('/')[-2] else: parentNode = 'modelRoot' childName = childName.split('/')[-1] else: print(childName,2) if childName.split('/')[-2] == nodeName: parentNode = nodeName else: tmp = list(filter(None, childName.split('/'))) parentNode = tmp[-2] if len(tmp) > 2: for i, node in enumerate(tmp): if i < len(tmp)-2: toFind = " "+tmp[i+1]+" = "+tmp[i]+".addChild('"+tmp[i+1]+"')\n" if toFind not in # print(toFind) logFile.write(toFind) childName = childName.split('/')[-1] logFile.write(" "+childName+" = "+parentNode+".addChild('"+childName+"')\n") # print('CHILD :'+childName) for type , arg in obj: # print(type+' : '+str(arg)+'\n') if arg : # print(type+' : '+str(arg)+'\n') tmpList = ['MeshGmshLoader','MeshVTKLoader','MeshSTLLoader','MeshOBJLoader'] if type in tmpList: print(arg['filename']) if arg['filename'] not in filesName: filesName.append(arg['filename']) filename = os.path.normpath(arg['filename']) filename = filename.split(slash)[-1] arg['filename'] = slash+'mesh'+slash+filename if 'translation' not in arg: arg['translation'] = [0.0,0.0,0.0] if 'rotation' not in arg: arg['rotation'] = [0.0,0.0,0.0] if 'scale3d' not in arg: arg['scale3d'] = [1.0,1.0,1.0] myArgs = buildArgStr(arg) # if modelTranslation : # myArgs = buildArgStr(arg,modelTranslation) # else: # myArgs = buildArgStr(arg) if childName == nodeName : modelTranslation = arg['translation'] modelRotation = arg['rotation'] modelScale = arg['scale3d'] # print(myArgs) elif type == 'BoxROI' and not 'orientedBox' in arg: # orientedBoxes aren't handled yet # myArgs = ", name= '"+arg['name']+"' , box=np.add(translation,rotate(rotation,"+str(tmp)+") )" if "box" in arg: if isinstance(arg['box'], str): tmp = [float(x) for x in arg['box'].split(' ')] else: tmp = arg['box'] newPoints = [] # print('BOX : '+str(tmp)) for i in range(int(len(tmp)/3)): newPoints.append([tmp[i*3],tmp[i*3+1],tmp[i*3+2]]) depth = abs(newPoints[0][2] - newPoints[1][2]) tr = depth/2.0 pointMin = newPoints[0] pointMax = newPoints[1] p1 = [pointMin[0],pointMax[1],pointMin[2]] p2 = [pointMin[0],pointMin[1],pointMin[2]] p3 = [pointMax[0],pointMin[1],pointMin[2]] points = [p1,p2,p3] # newPoints[2] , newPoints[1] = newPoints[1] , newPoints[2] if (modelTranslation == None): modelTranslation ='[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]' myArgs= ", name= '"+arg['name']+"' , orientedBox= newBox("+str(points)+" , "+str(modelTranslation)+",translation,rotation,"+str([0,0,tr])+",scale) + multiply(scale[2],"+str([depth])+").tolist(),drawBoxes=True" # elif "orientedBox" in arg : # myArgs= ", orientedBox= add("+str(translation)+" , PositionsTRS(subtract("+str(arg['orientedBox'])+" , "+str(translation)+"),translation,rotation))" else: raise Exception('Wrong BoxROI arguments :'+str(arg)) # print('BOXROI ARG: ',myArgs) else : # print(childName) if childName == nodeName : myArgs = buildArgStr(arg) else: myArgs = buildArgStr(arg,modelTranslation) myArgs = " "+childName+".addObject('" + type +"' "+myArgs+")\n" # print(myArgs) else : myArgs = " "+childName+".addObject('"+type+"')\n" logFile.write(myArgs) with open('meshFiles.txt', "a") as logFile: for mesh in filesName: logFile.write(mesh+'\n') return (modelRotation,modelTranslation,modelScale) except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise
[docs] def buildArgStr(arg,translation=None): """ **According to the case it will add translation,rotation,scale arguments** Allowing to move easily in a scene the created component **Args:** +-------------+-------+-----------------------------------------------+ | argument | type | definition | +=============+=======+===============================================+ | arg | dic | Contains all argument of a Sofa Component | +-------------+-------+-----------------------------------------------+ | translation | float || Contanis the initial translation of the model| | | || this will allow us to calculate a new | | | || position of an object depending of our | | | || reduced model by substracting our model | | | || relative origin make the TRS in the absolute | | | || origin and replace it in our model relative | | | || origin | +-------------+-------+-----------------------------------------------+ """ myArgs = '' for key, val in arg.items(): # print(type(val)) # print('key : '+key+'\narg : '+str(val)) if isinstance(val,list): if translation: if key == 'position' or key == 'pullPoint': # print('translation ',translation) myArgs += ", "+key+" = TRSinOrigin("+str(val)+" , "+str(translation)+",translation,rotation,scale)" # elif key == 'translation': # myArgs += ", "+key+" = np.add(translation,"+str(val)+")" # elif key == 'rotation': # myArgs += ", "+key+" = np.add(rotation,"+str(val)+")" else: myArgs += ", "+key+" = "+str(val) else: if key == 'translation': myArgs += ", "+key+" = add(translation,"+str(val)+")" elif key == 'rotation': myArgs += ", "+key+" = add(rotation,"+str(val)+")" elif key == 'scale3d': myArgs += ", "+key+" = multiply(scale,"+str(val)+")" elif key == 'pullPoint': myArgs += ", "+key+" = add(translation,rotate(rotation,"+str(val)+"))" else: myArgs += ", "+key+" = "+str(val) elif key.find('Path') != -1 or key.find('filename') != -1: # add 'r' before val to avoid special char due to windows path myArgs += ", "+key+" = path + r'"+str(val)+"'" else : if key == "nbModes": myArgs += ", "+key+" = nbrOfModes" elif key == "performECSW": myArgs += ", "+key+" = hyperReduction" elif isinstance(val,str): # if '@' in val: # if '_MOR' in val: # tmp = val.split('/') # toChange = 0 # print(val) # for i,node in enumerate(tmp): # print(node,i) # if '_MOR' in node: # # print("FOUND") # toChange = i # # print(toChange,tmp[:toChange],tmp[toChange:]) # myArgs += ", "+key+" = '"+'/'.join(tmp[:toChange])+"/"+\ # "'+name+'"+"/"+\ # '/'.join(tmp[toChange+1:])+"'" # print(myArgs) # else: # myArgs += ", "+key+" = '"+str(val)+"'" # else: myArgs += ", "+key+" = '"+str(val)+"'" else: myArgs += ", "+key+" = "+str(val)#+"'" # print(myArgs) return myArgs